

17/Jan/2017 *in Japanese

 Speaker: M. SAIKI 

 Title: Current status and habitat use of the Miyako grass lizard, Takydromus toyamai


10/Jan/2017 *in Japanese

 Speaker: T. KAITO 

 Title: Historical effects on genetic and morphological divergences among populations of serpent species in the Ryukyu Archipelago



 Speaker: D. F. MOKODONGAN 

 Title: The next generation sequencing



 Speaker: T. JONO

 Title: Encounters of the underground aliens: Chemically-mediated learning of native earthworm-eating snakes not to feed on introduced toxic worms


22/Nov/2016 *in Japanese

 Speaker: K. HOSOHARA

 Title: Study on the relationship between the breeding season of Cynops ensicauda and water temperature
 Speaker: S. SUNABE

 Title: Study on the life history of Cynops ensicauda based on parentage analysis by Microsatellite analysis
 Speaker: H. OSHIRO

 Title: Study on UV resistance of Cynops ensicauda egg and the effectiveness assessment of egg wrapping behavior of female newt
 Speaker: M. UEHARA

 Title: Phylogeography of Fejervarya kawamurai and F. sakishimennshis



 Speaker: T. TOKUYAMA 

 Title: Using environmental DNA, estimation of geographical distribution and species composition of sea snakes in Ryukyu archipelago


25/Oct/2016 *research plan introduction

 Speaker: I. MANDAGI 

 Title: Population structure of Oryzias sp. from Malili Lake system Sulawesi of Indonesia

 Speaker: S. NOBU 

 Title: Sympatric speciation of Oryzias spp. in Lake Poso, Sulawesi



 Speaker: A. TOMINAGA 

 Title: Natural hybridization between two lineages of Japanese fire-bellied newt, Cynops pyrrhogaster in their contact zone: asymmetric introgression and shift of hybrid zone detected in Chugoku District


20/Jul/2016 *research plan introduction in Japanese

 Speaker: K. HOSOHARA

 Title: Relationship between mating season and water temperature in Cynops ensicauda

 Speaker: S. SUNABE

 Title: Using microsatellite analysis, check of parentage test in Cynops ensicauda and study of bionomics of them

 Speaker: H. OSHIRO

 Title: UV-resistant of eggs of Cynops ensicauda and utility of "envolving action" to protect eggs

 Speaker: M. UEHARA

 Title: Molecular phylogeography of Fejervarya kawamurai and Fejervarya sakishimensis



 Speaker: D. F. MOKODONGAN 

 Title: Phylogenetic and taxonomic studies of the medaka (Beloniformers, Adrianichthyidae) endemic to Sulawesi, Indonesia



 Speaker: T. KAITO 

 Title: Genetic structure and morphological cline of island populations of Japanese coral snakes, Sinomicrurus japonicus, endemic to the Ryukyu Archipelago, Japan



 Speaker: K. YAMAHIRA 

 Title: Phylogeography of the eight-barbel loach Lefua nikkonis: how important were straits in northern Japan as biogeoraphic barriers?



 Speaker: T. TOKUYAMA 

 Title: Comparison of population structure and genetic diversity of two fiddler crabs



 Speaker: S. FUJIMOTO 

 Title: Is the notion that species interactions are stronger and more specialized in the tropics a zombie idea? (paper introduction)


23/May/2016 (Special Seminar)

 Speaker: Y. TANG (Chengdu Institute of Biology) 

 Title: Vocal communication of geckos: from behavior to neurophysiology



 Speaker: M. SAIKI 

 Title: Current status of the introduced common house gecko, Hemidactylus frenatus (Squamata: Gekkonidae), on Amamioshima Island of the Ryukyu Archipelago, Japan (paper introduction)



 Speaker: T. JONO 

 Title: Evolutionary loss of acoustic species recognition in Gekko lizards




 Title: The genetic causes of convergent evolution(paper introduction